let's see, i stopped at lesson 4. so now here's a brief summary of what i've studied so far.
Lesson 5: God's view of Life
Life is a Test, Trust and a Temporary Assignment.
Test - God uses various trials to test us and to help us develop a God worthy character.
Trust - God wants to see how well we handle things on this earth that God has entrusted us.
Lesson 6: Life is a Temporary Assignment
as compared with eternity, our time on earth is extremely brief.
"my identity is in eternity, my homeland is in heaven"
Lesson 7: Reason for Everything
- everything on earth is God's glory
- we can bring glory to God by:
1) worshipping Him
2) becoming like CHrist
3) serving others with our gifts
4) loving other believers
5) by telling others about Him
Lesson 8: Planned for God's Pleasure
- i was made for God's pleasure
- anything that brings God's pleasure is an act of worship
Lesson 9: Smile of God
God smiles when we:
1) trust Him completely
2) obey Him wholeheartedly
3) praise and thank Him continually
4) when we use our abilities
Lesson 10: Heart of Worship
the essence of worship is:
- surrendering
- total submission to His will
- bring God pleasure
and to be able to fulfill the above conditions would require a certain level of maturity on our part.
can i do it?
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