Wedding Ticker

Sunday, December 17, 2006

| @ the wedding |

didn't manage to get a pic of the wedded couple, but here's us for you! hee =p

Property of PrincessWylyn

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

| Sale |

today was mango sale preview for members and i didn't make it there because of the darn ASSignments weighing me down.

i even totally forgotten to let both the sistas know about it.

am feeling extremely frustrated that i am unable to take advantage of all these bargains. not that mango clothes are fantastic but all the other sales are also just shouting "BUY me!" at such affordable price!


drowning in the pool of ASSignments...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

| ASSignments |

the last week of class before a short break for christmas.

ASSignments are due the end of this week and the next, and we're nowhere near done.

no head nor tail.

this lecturer or whatever she's suppose to be really C.M.I.

for a subject so easy and something we've done before, she ended up confusing us and making us even more unsure every week.

it'd be a miracle if we make a distinction for this module.

i give up!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

| Retrench |

many changes in the company lately, alot of rebranding going on under the corporate name.

so much re-shuffling going on everywhere, its so scary..and suddenly reality just hit me in the face: people got demoted, people got transferred to far away places and stuff, and these are people whom i know.

i thought i understood how the business world worked, but i guess i'm still not quite up there yet, in terms of maturity i mean.

the office suddenly became so cold, so dry, so heartless...

my boss told me not to worrie and said i'm still safe from now till i get my degree. that was definiely assuring but i can't help but still feel uneasy.

and there's the big sista's wedding and the second sista getting all cranky and stuff...

PLUS the ASSignments and work and politics and relationships....i'm SO breaking down, so tired, so fed up!
because just by doing the ASSignments means i can't do any shopping until the 22nd!!!

enough said, goodnight.

Monday, December 04, 2006

| Great Expectations |

time and time again i tell myself not to have any expectations of the boyfriend, but again and again i failed.

could it be the length of us being together is getting way too abnormal?

this job of his is killing me.


his job evolves around him so much so that studies has become secondary, and myself, not even anywhere close!

i got stood up for the umpteen times because of his work. and because i am so pms-ing and unusually hungry, i blew up.

like how he always says when it comes to work, "i can't help it", i'll say it back to you now: blowing my top was something i couldn't help it either.

seriously, think about doing different subjects next semester.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

| Block |

think i left school for too long, can't seem to be able to clearly write what is expected of me anymore.

i'm so drowning in both my ASSignments...

have already been there and done most of these stuff before, but i just dun see what is wrong!

they call it writer's block.

| Yours Truly |

Property of PrincessWylyn