Wedding Ticker

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

| Movie of the Year 2008 |

this has got to be, without a doubt, yours truly's favourite movie of the year (of course High School Musical 3 is also on my top list)!

but this movie is a.m.a.z.i.n.g!

Twilight is something totally different from your average movie. go watch it if you haven't, oh and i'm searching for the book(s) as well as for a date to watch this movie again with because the boyfriend simply refuses to waste another penny on a movie like that. *major eyeroll


p.s (the boyfriend and i are still together! *hooray)

Friday, December 12, 2008

| Issit The End? |

i drove home alone crying the whole time.
i dunno what happened tonight that made us fight so hard.

maybe it was because of the old girlfriend and the young boyfriend...
maybe it was because i was just feeling anti-social tonight...
maybe it was because i was jealous of the graduate that just flew home...
maybe it was because i was too shagged after OT-ing until 8 plus...
maybe it was because i was never interested in that stupid alien movie...
maybe it was because i was too hungry...
maybe it was because of the way he always makes me look in front of his friends - devilish
maybe it was because of the way he always picks a fight with me when we're just about to meet his friends
maybe...lotsa maybe

but he still said it nevertheless.

he said he didn't see it coming.
he said he's tired. he said that i am tired too. after all, its been 7 years.

he said that was the last movie we're ever watching with his friends.
i told him it would be our last movie together.

my girlfriend told me to think things through carefully before making a haste decision.
but now the onus doesn't fall on me i guess; its on him.
even though they say it takes two to clap, this time, i'll leave it solely to him to make this decision.

he's hurt, and so am i.
do we give each other time or do we simply let go?

may the Father's will be done.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

| Season Shopping? |

i'm so bumped this christmas!

thought since we're on holiday this semester, we'd have more time for christmas shopping but its the exact opposite, damn!

oh and did i mention how i hate my job? yeah i still do.


Sunday, December 07, 2008

| Hats |

this season, its all about hats (made the boyfriend take these pics cos he spent too much time @ muji *evil laughter)


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

| Graduate? |

i think i will cry the day i hand in my LAST assignment for Monash's grading.

i think i will be overjoyed the day i finish my LAST exam in Monash.

i think i will cry even harder the day i officially wear the square hat and don the graduation gown.

i just think...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

| Whines |

if i blog consecutively for 2 or more days, it means i am very troubled.

indeed i am.

sometimes the ups and downs of life can really get me down. this morning, i witnessed a subtle form of betrayal during a meeting and it didn't feel good - it was then did i realise my time here just became shorter. it will be my 3rd year with the Company come 26 Sept, yes its about time i move on.

i dun feel like talking or doing anything. i just want to laze and stare in the sky all day long. but assignments' coming up and exam timetable is out, i have to hit the books again. DAMN.

it was my CEO's last day today. everyone's leaving, i wanna leave too. i wanna leave singapore and never come back in a long long time. can i pls? *help, i'm drowning!

i hate my job.
i hate the hyprocrital people that i have to work with.
i hate how they can lie through their teeth.
i hate how they can change the things that they say so easily.
i hate how they push every lil thing to me to do.
i hate it!

i have become so disillusioned with this job, i wonder where will i be in the months to come.

i also hate how the boyfriend keeps lying to me.
i hate the boyfriend for not being there for me.
i hate the boyfriend for not being understanding.
i hate the boyfriend's personality and how he's the Mr Nice Guy to everyone EXCEPT his own baby.
i hate the empty promises that he's made to me in the last 2 years since this stupid stupid job of his.
i hate the world around me now.

why is there no one listening to my whining anymore?
why am i feeling like that?
why am i falling into depression mode?
can someone get me outta this job and my life in singapore?

i wanna escape.........

| Work? Friendship? |

i'm upset about work and about friendship.

never thought things between us would turn sour, but its starting to and i can feel it. call me paranoid but its happening. although its not verbally spoken, it seems rather apparent to me.

everyone in the finance department is betting on how i wouldn't last in this position beyond december. its sad to know people are taking your livelihood as a gamble. its even sadder to know how immature people can still get despite their age.

i'm being involved in every lil single thing at work and if this carries on, i will either go into depression or i'll leave. it has come to a point where everyone is weary of everyone else, what happened to friendship? for the first time today, i teared when i was on the phone with my mentor. the stress at work is tremendous + my assignments are gonna be due very soon + friends whom i thought were my friends are all giving me a very tough time. that's why i need to blog it out. maybe somewhere somehow there's misunderstanding but knowing myself and how i so cannot keep friends, maybe i should just shut my mouth and let nature take its course.

right now, i shall just wait for my horrible female boss to bombard me tomorrow about work, work and more work. *hAiz

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

| 7 Detestable |

last week, while waiting for the boyfriend who was again late, as usual - i had my bible with me and i was reading to pass time. came across this chapter in proverbs which caught my attention:

"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him:
(1) haughty eyes

(2) a lying tongue,
(3) hands that shed innocent blood,
(4) a heart that devises wicked schemes,

(5) feet that are quick to rush into evil,
(6) a false witness who pours out lies

(7) and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." - Proverbs 6:16-19

David was warning against folly when he wrote this passage and i thought it was pretty interesting that he mentioned these 7 things. i mean, it has never really occured to me until now, so yeah, i learnt something again~!

p.s HOWEVER, i must stress that these 7 detestable things are NOT the 7 deadly sins as categoried in the book of Galatians.

| Still Around |

i just want to say - I'M ALIVE~!

Monday, August 11, 2008

| Tired |


truly i am.

though i know i'm reaching the finishing line, i dun wanna live my life with regrets.

regrets about not being able to experience university life.

its my last chance - do i give it up again? life doesn't always give second chances, but when i am presented with one, do i give it up once again?

you can say that i'm running away from reality, you can say that i refuse to grow up, you can say anything you want to but the fact is, i'm really tired.

for once, maybe its time i take matters into my own hands and not care at how others would look at me. for once, and maybe i'll grow up and be more independent than i already am. just once, and i won't live to regret.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

| Payback? |

i need to rant.


been feeling really depressed since yesterday and i have no idea why.

OR maybe i do have an idea, BUT there's just too many AND i feel like i will explode if i dun do something about it now.

think i've given up enough. issit payback time yet? pls put that smile back on my face.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

| Apprehension |

its official - 6th of June will be my last day at my current workplace. with effect from 9th of June, i will be transferred internally to another department at a different location.

i made this request some time in april. at that time, i was extremely determined that my decision to leave my current workplace and job scope and be transferred to the HQ was a right choice. i was excited at the bountiful knowledge that awaited me, i didn't give a second or third thought at how my close colleagues would feel, afterall, i had been with them for 2.5 years and the only closest person back there - my ex-boss - had already left. there was nothing, absolutely nothing holding me back.

today i received the official letter of transfer, handed personally to me by my big boss whom i had worked with since last november.

in all honesty, he wasn't how all those people along the grapevine pictured him to be. on the contrary, he was a big man who commanded respect and authority whenever he went, and i respected him for who he is. we had a chat after work since he's hardly ever around, and we talked about many things, one of which was my further studies. he was also surprisingly, very supportive of further education and had been the most understanding person, supporting me in secret, since my ex-boss. i was very touched, i even almost teared. he wished me all the best for my new career and my studies and instructed how i must do well, or i would be letting him down. he said letting go of someone as capable as me was something he struggled with. i thanked him for his unwavering support be it in my change of career or studies. he was truly a man worth my respect.

now that this chapter of my life is ending and another will be starting soon, i wonder how my journey in the real world would be like. if i may be honest, i had been very protected for the past 2.5 years. this decision to step outta my comfort zone and confront the realities of life is one of my bravest - though apprehension is slowly but surely threatening me, i must stay focus and be strong. i will not let the people who care so much for me down. i will show them that my thirst for knowledge was a right decision.

the same verse which i repeatedly meditated in my heart during my last driving test - and which i see alot of truth in it - will continue to be the guiding verse in my life:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.
But in all your ways, trust in Him
and He will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, May 18, 2008

| BEST Love |

i just want to say that i have the BEST boyfriend in this whole wide world who loves me dearly, and who hand-makes stuff for me~!

i'm blessed, truly i am. =) - Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Videos, MySpace layouts

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

| Work Work |

we are the unfortunate,

led by the unworthy,

doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful.

how apt in my current situation @ work now. argh~!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

| Hello Kitty |

ok, the long awaited Hello Kitty pictures taken in taiwan are finally up~! i've finally delivered something i promised. ;p

Property of PrincessWylyn
::Hello Kitty Part One::

Property of PrincessWylyn
::Hello Kitty Part Two::

the batt to our digicam died on us while we were @ the final stop of our 2nd day - Hello Kitty Sweets. *pouts so we had no other choice but to use our handphone camera. not too bad lah right? =)

p.s and yes i am aware there are one or two pics that are repeated

Sunday, April 20, 2008

| My Taiwan Pics |

my taiwan pics are finally up~! pls follow this link and enjoy!

oh oh...and please go to the right-bottom corner and click on Options, check Always show title and description, save it and then you'll be able to see the narration of our whole Taiwan trip~!

Friday, April 11, 2008

| Maintenance |

i'm finding it harder these days to pen a decent entry due to my very hectic life. for info, i am still in the midst of rushing my recently extended ASSignment. yes i'm also aware of how much pictures i'm oweing - my incomplete HK pics, my birthday pics, Christmas (even though it wasn't many), D&D, TP Marketing meet-up, and of course my Taiwan pictures.

HOWEVER, i've been experimenting with fake lashes these days. so here's a a couple of pics for you to check out my very pretty lashes though i must say, these are high "maintenance" (pun intended). hee ;p

Property of PrincessWylyn
::the boyfriend says i look like a doll *blush::

Property of PrincessWylyn
::do i still look like a doll? *winkz::

Property of PrincessWylyn

"Stop looking at my lashes! Of course they're real."

Monday, February 11, 2008

| Holidaying |

yes, after M.I.A-ing for the last two months, yours truly has finally cleared 10 modules (outta 19 and i can start counting down) and will be embarking on another trip abroad. destination this time? TAIWAN!

the main reason for going? the hotsprings! (ok, this pic and place is somewhere in japan, i'm just lazy to search for a nice hotspring pic that is in taiwan but yah, its something like that, you know what i mean right? *winkz)


we're leaving in less than 2 weeks! so exciting!

oooo but before we go, i will attempt to load up all my HK pics. watch this space!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

| Goodbye 2007, Hello 2008! |

goodbye 2007, hello 2008!

its been an eventful year as always, but its been one with the most changes i must say. its been very trying especially towards the end but God had been faithful in keeping His promises and being extremely gracious to me.

in all, i've cleared 9 modules, with the bulk of it in 2007. juggling between work, studies, church, friends, family and boyfriend sure wasn't easy. i had to neglect some and let others go. but it was all well worth the effort, i cleared my modules with an average credit. i've got more to come this year, and i'd await for it fervently.

work had been smooth until the restructuring that took place in the middle of the year, and the final straw came when my boss threw in his letter. at that point, my world crashed right in front of me. even until now, its still crashing. and yes, i need to find a new job soon. but what has a beginning must have an ending, and that closed one chapter of my life for me.

my big sista finally returned from brissy and graduated with a first-class honours in her major in journalisam. along with her return came a new addition, lil pico who is still in the midst of toilet-training. the second sis also finished her degree and went through the whole process of convocation. and now she's a qualified early childhood educator. i'm real proud of both my sisters! in every family, there are bound to be hiccups along the way and we've had our fair share. but at the end of the day, we are still family and blood can never replace water.

the boyfriend and i had a few major bumps but not as bad as what happened in 2004-2005. in his words, "at least we're communicating". we visited new places, HongKong, Disneyland and ShenZhen. like all vacations, we enjoyed ourselves tremendously and felt like lil adults for once being out there on our own. it'll be our 7th year come May 2008. how time files, but with every year, our foundation becomes stronger.

i cannot say we've been regular in our church attendance, but whenever we can, we try to make it for service. hopefully, school timetable in 2008 would improve which would also improve our church attendance. also, we know the importance of a cell group but i can only say 2009 will be the year we can commit.

as for myself, the only thing worth commemorating is that i permed and highlighted my hair for the very first time in my life. and i must say, it ain't too bad. =) also, i've tried a new thing - spa manicure. not bad at all too! and clubbing which we've abstained for a year. we kinda returned to it but not in a massive way. and yes, light still does not have any business with darkness. =p oh yeah and i finally changed my mobile and switched over to to Singtel. its something i've been wanting to do, more so with their corporate plan which i would be able to save at least 50%.

so what to expect for 2008?

1. MORE ASSignments and exams
2. regular church attendance
3. operating on 3 of my wisdom teeth
4. a new job perhaps?
5. restrain on buying things in different colors coz i already have them in 3 other colors
6. spend more time with my family and my Abba Father
7. try to finish reading the Bible? i'm still struggling with that btw...
8. visit a new country or at least go on a vacation SOON
9. regularly post pictures and update my blog so that there will be no backlogs
10. bake and cook more often please. still haven't baked at all since exams were over and summer sem started...

have a good year ahead everyone!