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Friday, April 15, 2011

| Jobs |

I've held many jobs before, but only three main jobs are recorded on my current CV.

thing about jobs is you somehow have a hunch on the first day whether you'd last there - those you know were meant to last, and those you know were never meant to be.

and this is one such job - my fourth official job in a big company that is paying me well (at the market rate of a graduate..well at least that's what I choose to believe) but there's something about my first day today that made me regret my decision to leave my previous employment.

I didn't fit in. try as hard as I could but somehow I felt awkward with these girls. they were all of managerial positions, some my age and others older. I don't think it's because of my inferior complex that made me feel left out, it's something else that I can't quite put my finger on it.

maybe I just miss my ex-boss and my all-so-familiar environment that this new place with new people are too foreign.

Jesus, I need strength.

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