Wedding Ticker

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

| Adult |

yah i know its been ages. i had so much stuff goin' on and i was tied up to the brim, seriously.

after 3 fast-moving months, the summer semester is finally over. the lack of discipline, coupled with the late arrival of the textbooks, and the so-many-other-factors-including-the-sista's wedding contributed to the low grades we have gotten, and most probably am gonna get at the end of the month.

BUT what is over IS over. so learn from it. life itself is a learning process.

the new semester is gonna start at the end of the month, right about the time where we'll be receiving our results. life is so hectic and so busy ever since we started school. i seem to be getting lesser and lesser sleep everyday, and napping more and more during my lunch break.

thankfully my boss understands and is so forgiving. recently, i volunteered for this events planning committee that the company has. this group of people are the ones responsible for events like the annual functions - D&D, movie-screening and stuff. guess it would be quite fun. plus transport is reimbursed so i get to go to the headquarters for meetings (a.k.a to waste time) and also to look-see.

now CNY is round the corner and the spring-cleaning hasn't started yet. the shelves and the cupboards and the wardrobe and the drawers, the bed, the sheets, the table, the windows and the curtains. then there's also the pineapple tarts making, facial, mani/pedicure, AND the CNY dress-shopping, i'm going crazy!!!

last weekend we went for a short romantic batam getaway for V-day with the sistas and their respective other halves. the big sista's parents-in-law came along too and boy were they great! despite their age, they were super spontaneous in all the activities that we did including beach volleyball and soccer, ktv, swimming and water basketball. we also had a spa session out in the nature, and go-karting. haha! it was good fun though there wasn't much romance. pictures will be up soon!

been quarrelling with the boyfriend lately and i wonder if its got anything to do with my year being a Fire Pig. i don't deny how much i hate the amount of time his demanding job takes away from him. i don't deny how much i hate waiting all day long for him too. maybe there's more but i have no idea how to express it except to get angry and burst it out at him at one go.

and yesterday the father played a prank on me and i got so mad i quarrelled with him. he was the one who instigated the big sista to play that prank on me which i so did not appreciate because it was demeaning my abilities as a driver. like i always say, i may not be that good a driver, but i got my class 3 license almost a year ago. if the tester didn't think i was fit for a class 3, he would have kept failing me until he's almost certain that i'll be safe on the roads.
unlike my both sistas, i've never gotten myself into any accidents or crashed anything harder than a dent which i inflicted whilst reverse parking under medication. yes i have bad road directions, i can't recognise most of the roads i've driven on before and if i'm thrown alone on the roads, i'd be so lost until i find any expressway that will bring me back home. but that does not mean i'm incapable of driving to work!!! i really need to let my parents know that i've grown up. i'm no longer the lil girl i used to be. they have to let me go eventually. look, i'm gonna be 24 by the end of this year and they are still not letting me do so many things on my own. like holidaying on my own with the boyfriend and even driving on my own to pick my mom up from work. they have to constantly check on the car and how i am, if i'm hurt or injured or anything to the likes. i know you're concerned and everyone loves the baby of the family, but i'm not growing up in this way, instead i'm growing out and swaying further and further away. i just wanna be treated like my age, like a real adult.

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