Wedding Ticker

Thursday, May 11, 2006

| Randoms |

11 May 2006

this is bad...this is terrible! i need to rant about how free i am at work today because it seems like my boss ain't gonna be giving me any work, just like yesterday! *hysterical screams

i dun believe it because i didn't wake up so early just to come to work and do nothing but stone at the computer for the next 8 hours and pretend to look busy! because i'm not! its so tiring trying to keep up this pretence of "looking busy".



and i can't surf the net because i believe they are watching my every move. yah i'm paranoid and hysterical. but that's how LC this company is. serious.

i'm so freaking bored!!! will someone gimme something to do so that the next 8 hours will be easier to pass???

great, and my boss just walked out. and will probably take forever to come back. at least when he's around, i know there might be a possibility that he will gimme some work to do. but if he's gone, it just means there wouldn't be anything!!!! dun even think about it. nothing!!!

i'm so unhappy!!! do you call this a healthy balance of work and free time?! NOT!!!!!!!!! i'm so unhappy, i really am.

can you see all the exclaimation marks and bolded words and the emphasis i'm trying to make here? i'm so extremely bored. period.

penned @ 0842hrs

9 May 2006

this is without a doubt, the most blown outta proportion matter i've ever seen in an office setting, with regards to work.

if its as simple as the system capturing the wrong data, then inform the IT department so they can rectify the situation. i dun see how by asking the person in question, she can help you. if she was really in the wrong, and is frantically trying to cover up her mistake, she would definitely not tell you the one deciciding factor that will help you solve the problem.

*major eyeroll

so duh. the executive.

and, God knows how many times he/she had already stabbed me in front of my boss. but this is definitely not my mistake in any way, i'm just reporting an error. whoever is able enough will solve the problem, if not, when this happens again next month, i am so going to just send out the report full of wrong data captured to the auditors, and you see what you'll get.

muahahahahahaha!!! my evil plan.

but of course i wouldn't do sucha thing. i believe the truth will prevail, and if you're wrong, you're wrong. just admit it. loser!

penned @ 1123hrs

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