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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

| Rude Doctor |

i really took the day off yesterday, it was highly unbearable. and went to the doctor whom i vow never to visit again even if i was on the verge of death because this is one kind of a rude doctor.

he's located at loyang point and his MBBA is from Ireland. must be that kind of cheapo and low standard medical school. Dr. Muk.

i would have mentioned his clinic's name and his full name but nah, i decided to be kind and just leave his last name since its SO unique anyway. BUT i have already informed my entire company never to visit him because he's the lowest grade of doctors i've ever seen simply because he doesn't understand the difference between a headache and giddiness. STUPID STUPID doctor!!!

you know what his diagnosis was?

doc: all your symptoms are signs of tension. how long have you been working in this company? (5 months) are you very stressed? (alright, i can handle)

i've never never heard in all my being that body aches, and headache/giddiness are signs of tension and stress. like come on. *lolx

its more of like a coming fever/flu/gastric flu/cold or something to the likes you know? pure stupidity.

and anyway, after his wonderful diagnosis and medication, i'm still not feeling that well. my body is still aching, though not at bad as yesterday, i can still feel the sore. and my headache, it doesn't seem to go away even though i've taken my medicine. oh i know, lousy doctor = lousy medicine.

if i'm still feeling achy and sore all over my body tomorrow, i will see a doc and take another day's MC.

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