Wedding Ticker

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


i wanna get a tattoo done!!! *screaming* i guess i've always wanted to get it done, but my dear doesn't allow it. *pouts* says its too ah lian and all that. he even said that if i ever go do it, he'll smoke and drink and do piercing all over his body as well! *scratching head* a bit outta point don't you think? *lolz* but that's my baby for you. so i'm gonna try to persuade him and convince him to let me do it. *grinz* my lady boss wants to get one too. *hee*
honestly i think tattoos are fine, its pretty and because you have one doesn't mean that you're a bad gal? doesn't mean you're in a gang? it doesn't spoil your image or reputation like smoking does? not that i'm discriminating smokers but i wanna do it so badly and i guess i just wanna justify my action perhaps? man...someone tell me its fine?

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