Wedding Ticker

Friday, December 24, 2004

::Christmas Party @ the Office::

yesterday was the christmas party organised by my company for the members. it was as usual, an aunty-pushing, food-snatching, long-windedness and greediness all rolled in. we had food ordered and delivered to us from swensens, that alone cost a hefty $300. in addition, the food wasn't enough and we had to order another 15 packs of fried bee hoon from the neighbouring foodcourt who does free delivery. amazing isn't it? and the best part? inactive members, those who have joined but never bought any products, or whom we never see coming, heard wind of a free dinner, all rushed down with their families and friends. the wonder of singaporeans!
but at least my part of the present-giving was nice, i enjoyed it. *smilez* i guess that if i gave everyone a little something, it would have been nice, and i guess i was right. some were surprised and ran off to get me something in return, while others already came prepared. but at least i wasn't the one just receiving, it was a pretty feeling giving as well! because God loves a cheerful giver!
also at the christmas party, we were made to wear the silly santa hats which made us hot and look almost all alike. *sigh* but i guess the children enjoyed the hat-wearing thoroughly, so here are some pics to amuse you!
::the children and i. they look nice, just like me huh? *winkz*::

::susan and me. she's 4 months pregnant by the way, fortunate isn't it?::

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