Wedding Ticker

Monday, December 27, 2004

::Christmas Dinner::

i made an appointment with my manicurist to do both manicure and pedicure on christmas eve with my darling dearest accompanying me all the way. *hee* he felt weird being the only guy in a place filled with females, so he stuck really close to me. so adorable right?
::almost immediately after he booked out from hendon camp where he just did his 3m jump::

::Christmas day where we had dinner with his buddies and the stupid present-exchanging which i thought was really dumb *pouts*::

::our minus 26 degree celcius ice-cream log cake which we really had a hard time cutting::

::another sweet pic of dear and me *smilez*::

::too far, can't see? a close-up then. lovely huh? *winkz*::

::his buds; from left to right: my boy, jianyi, alvin::

::and on sunday morning, on the way to church; check out our super sleepy eyes *lolz*::

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