Wedding Ticker

Monday, October 18, 2004

::no call::

the time now is 10.49pm, and i haven't heard a word from my baby since last night. i dunno wassup with him or what went wrong, just that i think he briefly mentioned today was gonna be a range day. maybe i'm just paranoid, but i can't help but feel uneasy. i'll be patient and wait a little longer.
this thursday is gonna be his first outfield, where they will practically live in the jungle without any proper food, water, accomodation and bath. and this outfield's gonna last for 7 days. which means this outfield is gonna run through the coming weekend, and it also means that i won't get to speak to him for 7 full days. oh God, i dunno how am i gonna last 7 days without hearing his voice. ever since he started serving the nation, my only biggest consolation was to hear his voice every night. and now, even that is gonna be taken away from me, i can't seem to find any reason to live. and to make things worse is the fact that i've fallen out with my entire family (except my dog). i'm just real disgusted at the apparent hypocrisy that is happening, right now in my family. i don't wanna talk about it, not now...because the thought of it just irks me. anyway, as i was saying, my whole world seems to be shattering at this very moment, and i really have not the slightless clue on how to live my life normally for the next 2 weeks. if you haven't already figured out, this outfield is the sole reason why last weekend meant so much to me, it also explains why i was so extremely upset with my dad for giving me happiness and then taking it away. its because i don't see him for 2 weeks, i don't get to hear his voice for a week. i can probably try to live in self-denial and try to find things to occupy myself but i haven't got the chinks (waiting for pay-day you see) nor any company since my only free-time is retail therapy. but no matter what, i will find a way to survive, even if it means hibernating all the way. bless me pple, cos i'm gonna be needing lotsa of it.

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