Wedding Ticker

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

daily bread

on my way to work today, i was reading Our Daily Bread for my devotional time. and today's story was about Jesus' peace. in it talked about Jesus' determination to go to Jerusalem even though He foretold of His own suffering there. why? because He knew the peace that the Father had given Him would sustain Him even to the very end. and true enough, it did. and i am amazed by the control that God had in the past, now in the present, and also the future.

people would think, after reading such an interesting post, that i am a child of God who attends church regularly, who is active in church functions and the what-nots. unfortunately, the above description was my old-self.
i am still a child of God, happy and proud to be one, but i no longer get involve with church activities, let alone attend church regularly. reason being, i was too involved in the past, it led to many misunderstandings that i was unable to clear nor erase them away. i chose to leave. i fallen for awhile, until i met my boyfriend. he made me realise, i want a man who will be after God's heart, a man of God, and a man who would fear Him as the one true Healer. my boyfriend said he would get to know Jesus for my sake, he's fulfilling his promise now, and it was then i became his baby. :)

the moral of today's post, is to encourage people who may have gone through a disappointing journey in an attempt to love and to know Jesus is that, men will disappoint you, but the Father will never disappoint you.
and i leave you now with this verse, think about it.
"Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men"- Colossians 3:23

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