Wedding Ticker

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

| A Long Story |

i had been so busy the last couple of weeks i haven't been able to blog during office hours. but now that i'm free at work, i'd rather do this when i get home, honestly.

chanced upon an article yesterday, actually dear read it and told me to have a look at it. it was titled something like, "Watch Out! Your Boss Sees What You Surf". and i almost died. so i read on and it talked about how sophisticated tracking software are these days that it could not only track employee's internet activities, it can even churn reports out on a periodically basis for the management to measure their employee's productivity. (*major shocked*) and strangely, they don't infringe any privacy law here in singapore! only unless they (employers) capture sensitive information like user name and passwords (to personal emails and especially internet banking) and if caught, then they are liable to face the law. some software are so advanced until they are able to track the exact words you type whilst online and even the contents of your emails etc.

woe to employees!

so even though i'm at work now, i will only post this when i get home. you know like there are times when you just need to let off some steam. this is infuriating but its also so lame.

well i believe employees have the right to surf the net, not during office hours, but during their lunch/tea breaks. i find that absolutely ok. but of course, i'm not an employer and when i do climb up and become the league of "management", i'd probably see things in a different light. right now, i'm just happy where i am until i get my degree and all set to move up. =)

penned@ 0850hrs.


second post of the day, this sure is sucky with internet access and yet being monitored 24/7. (*pui) it feels like its already the second half of the day because i've already started fighting with the zzz monster and its not even lunch time yet! (*screams)i have work to do and if i set out to do them up now, i'd definitely finish it in no time. then i'd be so bored again later. so i've decided to do all the lil stuff first before doing the more tedious ones later. today is already wednesday. 2 more days and we'll be off to KL. yay! guess that's the only thing keeping me going for now.

oh and have i talked about my new favourite show? the one that is keeping me awake when i'm suppose to already be resting everynight? Da Chang Jin. ahahahaha! what's new right? yeah i admit i'm one of the slow adopters when it comes to epic korean dramas, but its nice. it really is. all the cooking and all, my favourite! and boy am i so inspired to whip up something delicious again. =p talks about politics, greed and strive for power. where there are women, there also will be trouble. that's something i've enlightened and learnt from an all-girls school 16 years ago. there'll be jealousy, competition and hate. handle it well and it becomes constructive. handle it otherwise, and it will manifest into something evil.

girls and women.
bitches and sluts.
babes and whores.

that's why i never believed in friendships between girls. i find friendships of that sort of sheer hypocrisy. its all surface, its all a pretence. because surely there are loads of underground emotions,where everybody thinks she's prettier or better than other girls in some way or another, and perhaps its true, but everyone is special in her own way. therefore there really isn't a need to think too highly of oneself, isn't it?

and how on earth have i digressed to a topic like this? from my favourite korean drama to girls being the ultimate hypocrites??? haha! its amazing how my brain works sometimes. but isn't it more amazing to know how the minds of girls work? indeed.

penned @ 1232hrs

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