Wedding Ticker

Saturday, December 03, 2005

| 2 outta 14 days |

alright, today marks the second day of his confinement. i am barely making it through. how am i gonna survive the next 12 days? i dunno.

went retail therapy with my big sis today and we combed the entire orchard road, went into every single store that sells shoes (because she was looking for this heels that she saw someone wear), and into every boutique that sells three-quarter pants (because she was also looking for one).


and now, my legs are sore, and my whole body is aching.

BUT it did help me take my mind off the pain for a couple of hours.

so i managed to buy my black tube dress, which i had been searching for high and low since i dunno when. and though it wasn't the exact piece i had in mind, i think that will have to do for now. i dunno why, but i just wanted to get one, even though i already have like many other dresses.

yes, i must stop spending.

12 more days to go.

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