Wedding Ticker

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

| Free Day |

my boss is on leave today, wonderful isn't it?
its good to have authority off your back sometimes, even though i can't say he's a tyrant. so while he's away, i'll cherish all that there is today, until i have to face tomorrow.
its quite gossipy in here, i guess that's what big organisations are like. pple stabbing pple in the back, hypocrites lining up the entire office, pple trying to dig secrets outta you and blah blah blah. therefore, i have to be absolutely discreet while blogging, or tongues would wag big time.
i don't think i'm doing too good myself. am still financially cripple and until i get my next pay, i don't think i'll ever be stable enough. needless to say, its got to do with my spending. i've been watching it, serious. which is why in the midst of drawing up my new year resolution, one of them is to cease online shopping because i've almost lost tons of cash. the seduction of this new age, it must stop.

and talking about my previous post, the one about my in-laws. that was in the midst of frustration that gave birth to that entry. again i stress that, as far as possible, i will try to live at peace with them.
its the whole package you see, my dear and his family/friends, they are not sold seperately when i eventually get to marry him. get the idea? and i guess its time to stop harping over something i can't change. now that i've had about 2 days to think about the whole issue, i should be stupid enough to forget how favouritism works in the family. how they spend and favour way too much on the lil sister than the 2 big boys, and also, obvious difference in treatment. anyhow, i should drop it and move on.

and about my vacation trip, i guess i can't quite go, because of the bird flu, and because no matter how big i am, i'll always still be daddy and mommy's lil girl. they're worried, and they wanna be there personally to protect me, but how to when they are bound for their own vacation? chances are slim, but i'm wishing, praying and hoping a miracle would happen. i'm just sick of working, i'm just sick of being in one place for too long, i'm just fed up and i need a break! why won't they listen, or understand? they were the ones who instilled this annual holiday thingy since i was a lil gal, and now that i'm all grown up and can make my own way there, they refuse to let me go!
my big sister said God gave us parents to guide and watch over us and they must have their reasons for not letting me go. i reckon so, but i'm still really sore about this whole thing.

i really am still a lil gal huh?

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