Wedding Ticker

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

| Work |

i'm back from work.

i reached home at 6pm.

did i mention i end work at 5.30pm?

well, so i was already done with my work at 5.23pm, and i had nothing else to do. i couldn't possibly find more work to do just to fill that 7 minutes up isn't it? so by the time i cleared my desk, it was about 5.25pm, and i just left.

my supervisor didn't look happy.

what's her freaking problem?

i stayed behind for more than 15 minutes last week on 2 days, dun think this is too much to ask for is it?

i don't care.

if she ain't happy, then ask me to leave. i'm not hard-up for this stupid job.

*major eyeroll

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