Wedding Ticker

Monday, July 11, 2005

| To Pat |

its been a pretty long time since i really blogged about anything, and this post is actually for pat girlie, who had some questions with regards to religion, or rather, Christianity. i figured if i had to tag all these down, it would take forever, so i thought i'd just do a post.
i may be in no position to preach or even to teach, but i'll just be sharing with you what i know.

if i remembered correctly, the question or comment was something like an earthly priest sharing one of his church member's sins to the congregation, and somehow, it just didn't seem right. yah i guess, no matter what, that was unethical.

i guess alot of people would have already known what some of the differences between roman catholics and protestant christians are. one of which is that the former believes Mother Mary, somehow managed to attain immortality after Jesus was reunited with the Father in heaven; whereas protestant christians, believe that, no, Mother Mary is only human, she was Mother of God, but there's no where in the Bible that says she's Jesus' equivalent. coming to the Bible, of course, there are only 66 books in the Bible, and all of God's word is "God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21). the catholic bible has more than that, probably another 4-5 more books.

that aside, catholics also practice confessing their sins to an earthly priest in that wooden box thingy where they are seperated by a partition thingy and some curtains. i dunno if catholics know that or not but there is only One High Priest, only One Mediator who will intercede for them on Judgement day, and that High Priest is Jesus Himself, not some human priests. (1 Timothy 2:5-6) God never said to confess our sins to men, God said to confess our sins to Him alone, because only He has the power to forgive our sins, no matter what they may be. (Psalms 32:5; Isaiah 55:7). and i'd like to add that, after we confess our sins, "He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9), which means to say, God will no longer judge us. and if God doesn't judge us, i dun see why earthly priests should.

so there you have it. hope this helped clear some of your doubts. =)

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