Wedding Ticker

Friday, January 07, 2005


woman, as the name suggests, was taken from the word man. in the book of Genesis 2:21-22, God "took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man."
so shouldn't women be men's beloved and be of great help to men? so shouldn't women be treated as princesses and be treated well by men since we are obviously the weaker vessels? if so, then why issit there are still so many girls out there crying out because their guys don't treat them right? why issit that some guys can bring themselves to treat their girls so shabbily? i don't understand. women go through some of the most hardships beyond comprehension, for instance, the 9 months long pregnancy, motherhood and even the task of being a housewife, a career woman, and also bringing up the children. and yet with all those also comes breast-feeding (and even then, not every woman lactate?), the risk of womb cancer, cervical cancer, and the various forms of cysts in the uterus! not to mention, when we reach a certain age, at about 35 and above, we have to go for regular mammogram to screen for any unusual growth in the breasts. and just for your information, mammogram is painful. "the breast is gently flattened between two plates of the X-ray machine for a few seconds, to spread the tissue apart and to get a good image of the breast. afterwhich, the images are then developed by a radiographer who then gives the X-ray films to a radiologist to check for abnormalities." how painful is that? *ouch* and yet some men treat women like sex objects, like sex toys, just for the sake of pure pleasure, of satisfying their own gross needs! disgusting. and women's greatest weakness is being too obliging to the man they love, they let them have their way with them. and when things go wrong, men's first instinct is to shun them away, avoid them, all because they are unable to handle the situation! in my opinion, men are weak!
women are the greatest creature created by God, because women are sensitive and at the same time, strong. tough being a girl huh? but i'm glad my boy treats me well, just like a princess. *smilez* i will never settle for anything lesser, he also knows never to short-change me, because i deserve every sacrifice he's ever made for me, for i am every bit worth the trouble. *winkz*

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