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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

::Mezzanine @ Grand Hyatt::

yesterday was my boss's birthday and we had a little celebration for him in the office, and later at the classy Mezzanine. it was classy alright, but i didn't think the food was up to yours truly's standard. wasn't anything wow or great, tried the seafood and meat platter with a selection of appetizers beforehand. dessert for me was strawberry cheesecake because i just felt like it? hah! the rest had stuff like chocolate fondue and ice-cream.
to me, mezzanine was just like a higher-class of Marche, except that instead of self-service, you have waiters/waitresses serving you. ok, enough. some pics for entertainment.

::in the office; a pleasant surprise for my boss::

::later in the night at mezzanine; the little gal in front is boss' daughter::

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