thats what the fiancé said to me the other night after we finished a heated argument.
he can be so sweet at times and so exasperating at the same time haha but well, guess no one is perfect and we all learn to love each other despite our weaknesses. i find this especially true since each day, we are getting closer and closer to being husband and wife.
came across this article on facebook the other day - posted by the big sista and trust me, definitely worth your 3 minutes:
Three Keys To A Great Marriage
"...A man shall leave his father and mother and the two shall become one flesh..." - Mark 10:7-8
There is a key verse on marriage that is found only once in the Old Testament and twice in the New. The theme is clear: We are to leave, cleave, and weave.
Leave - A man shall leave his mother and father. This is about prioritizing our spouse over parents, children, siblings, and friends. Our spouse should be our best friend. If you are married, and closer to any person other than your spouse, your priorities are out of whack!
Cleave - Cleave to his wife. The word cleave means to join fast together, to glue, or cement. These definitions imply there will always be pressures to pull the marriage apart. (Things like busyness, work, demands from children, money, health problems, infidelity, and so on). In short, marriage is about lifetime commitment.
Weave - The two shall become one flesh. Sexual intimacy and fulfillment is a by-product of a healthy marriage relationship. It symbolizes how a husband and wife become one.
Leave. Cleave. Weave. Three keys to a great marriage.