Wedding Ticker

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Seven Dresses' virgin FLEA

haha, i just love the use of puns.

click on pic to find out more @ seven dresses lj

so we've been mad-rushing for this flea ever since we confirmed for it which was not too long ago; last week to be exact. and instead of 2 days, we're only gonna be there for 1 day because...i think i'm getting old and i need to REST. *lolx

its a LONG weekend after all, i can't possibly deprive myself of rest and some ME time right?

so anyway, we thought of the promotional mechanics and stuff in sucha short time and i hope it works? *cross fingers most importantly, kbox has got to have wifi or we're screwed BIG time. :/

i hope there'll be pple
i hope there'll be a crowd
i hope there'll be wifi at kbox
i hope they'll let us tap on their wifi if they really have
i hope i'll get to see some of my mailing list darlings who will come right up to me and tell me they are so-and-so
i hope we'll have fun nevertheless
i hope we'll learn to thank God and count our blessings no matter what

its only tomorrow; till then! :)

| Hana |

Property of PrincessWylyn

she's sucha doll, don't you think?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

| Blogging |

i'm beginning to be convinced that some blogshop owners start a blog purely for the sake of advertising their blogshop. in a way its clever, but in another way, i find that tactic like gaining sympathy points.

whatever happened to blogging being for the love of writing?

well, maybe these girls just have all the friends and support whereas i have none. not even my fiance comes to my blog to check on my updates.


i shall just be content with writing and blogging which i have been doing so for the past 6 years (*gasps!) even though eprincessdiary is just a tiny space in the whole cyber world, where no one even knows of my existence or the existence of Seven Dresses. well, at least God does :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

| Silence & Trust |

today's reading in ODB moved me to tears.

in it wrote:

His (God's) silence is the sign that He is bringing you into a marvellous understanding of Himself - a greater run of His purposes


with nothing going my way since my return from redang, this message came as a comfort to me.

~difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage~

following the 6-steps to building faith, i may be right to say that right now, we are in the 4th stage - difficulties. so i will continue looking to the Lord for He is Jehovah Jireh; He will provide.

yesterday, we celebrated our 9th anniversary @ his new workplace. i'm so happy and proud that he got into my dream company and/or workplace. the benefits and perks are limitless, wait till he gets his pass. hmpf!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

| Not Okay |

the only thing that is keeping me from bursting out crying now is the fact that its our 9th anniversary today.


Friday, May 07, 2010

| Redang Redang! |

slightly more than 30 minutes to knock off time and i'm starting to feel the excitement slowly creeping back, ha!

and this is where we'll be staying. let's just hope the room does live up to its description on its website.

this short trip supposedly celebrates our 9th anniversary together, but we're not alone. we'll be accompanied by another 2 more of the fiance's childhood buds. romance + friendship spells FUN!

be back late on monday night! *muack*

White Christmas & New Year 2009/2010

Property of PrincessWylyn
Seoul Tower

Property of PrincessWylyn
Along Streets of Seoul

before i visit a new place, i told myself that i must upload the previous country's pictures first. look at my half uploaded HongKong Disneyland 2007...*sigh

so anyway, here are the long awaited pictures of our last Christmas in Korea, enjoy :)

Part I

Part II

Part III (Finale)

Monday, May 03, 2010

| Back! |

Property of PrincessWylyn

Property of PrincessWylyn

haha, promised i'd be BACK with more pictures! ;p i'm so lovin' my TX-5 *muack*