Wedding Ticker

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

| Graduate? |

i think i will cry the day i hand in my LAST assignment for Monash's grading.

i think i will be overjoyed the day i finish my LAST exam in Monash.

i think i will cry even harder the day i officially wear the square hat and don the graduation gown.

i just think...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

| Whines |

if i blog consecutively for 2 or more days, it means i am very troubled.

indeed i am.

sometimes the ups and downs of life can really get me down. this morning, i witnessed a subtle form of betrayal during a meeting and it didn't feel good - it was then did i realise my time here just became shorter. it will be my 3rd year with the Company come 26 Sept, yes its about time i move on.

i dun feel like talking or doing anything. i just want to laze and stare in the sky all day long. but assignments' coming up and exam timetable is out, i have to hit the books again. DAMN.

it was my CEO's last day today. everyone's leaving, i wanna leave too. i wanna leave singapore and never come back in a long long time. can i pls? *help, i'm drowning!

i hate my job.
i hate the hyprocrital people that i have to work with.
i hate how they can lie through their teeth.
i hate how they can change the things that they say so easily.
i hate how they push every lil thing to me to do.
i hate it!

i have become so disillusioned with this job, i wonder where will i be in the months to come.

i also hate how the boyfriend keeps lying to me.
i hate the boyfriend for not being there for me.
i hate the boyfriend for not being understanding.
i hate the boyfriend's personality and how he's the Mr Nice Guy to everyone EXCEPT his own baby.
i hate the empty promises that he's made to me in the last 2 years since this stupid stupid job of his.
i hate the world around me now.

why is there no one listening to my whining anymore?
why am i feeling like that?
why am i falling into depression mode?
can someone get me outta this job and my life in singapore?

i wanna escape.........

| Work? Friendship? |

i'm upset about work and about friendship.

never thought things between us would turn sour, but its starting to and i can feel it. call me paranoid but its happening. although its not verbally spoken, it seems rather apparent to me.

everyone in the finance department is betting on how i wouldn't last in this position beyond december. its sad to know people are taking your livelihood as a gamble. its even sadder to know how immature people can still get despite their age.

i'm being involved in every lil single thing at work and if this carries on, i will either go into depression or i'll leave. it has come to a point where everyone is weary of everyone else, what happened to friendship? for the first time today, i teared when i was on the phone with my mentor. the stress at work is tremendous + my assignments are gonna be due very soon + friends whom i thought were my friends are all giving me a very tough time. that's why i need to blog it out. maybe somewhere somehow there's misunderstanding but knowing myself and how i so cannot keep friends, maybe i should just shut my mouth and let nature take its course.

right now, i shall just wait for my horrible female boss to bombard me tomorrow about work, work and more work. *hAiz

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

| 7 Detestable |

last week, while waiting for the boyfriend who was again late, as usual - i had my bible with me and i was reading to pass time. came across this chapter in proverbs which caught my attention:

"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him:
(1) haughty eyes

(2) a lying tongue,
(3) hands that shed innocent blood,
(4) a heart that devises wicked schemes,

(5) feet that are quick to rush into evil,
(6) a false witness who pours out lies

(7) and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." - Proverbs 6:16-19

David was warning against folly when he wrote this passage and i thought it was pretty interesting that he mentioned these 7 things. i mean, it has never really occured to me until now, so yeah, i learnt something again~!

p.s HOWEVER, i must stress that these 7 detestable things are NOT the 7 deadly sins as categoried in the book of Galatians.

| Still Around |

i just want to say - I'M ALIVE~!