Wedding Ticker

Friday, December 30, 2005

| A Barbie |

people say i look like a Barbie Doll.
do you think so? heh =p

anyway, its early new year for me because my boss left earlier this afternoon and is not coming back for the rest of the day, and he's gonna be on leave and will only return on thursday, while i, will be on leave on friday because its our lil getaway!!!

so exciting! its the first time we're gonna be at such a posh hotel (besides Conrad which is more business-formal kinda posh), hee i'm all excited!

oh and i woke up thinking about the last movie we watched, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. i think the movie was very brilliantly made and i really don't mind watching it again. *hints
and my favourite quote that Mr. Darcy said that just totally melted my heart when he said it to Elizabeth Bennet.

"If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me on this subject forever." - Mr. Darcy's second proposal to Elizabeth and this time round, things have changed and so have her answer.

so touching right? oh my!

and have i announced this movie to be MY best movie of 2005? it is.


Thursday, December 29, 2005

| Innovation Adoption Curve |

you see, my boss asked me to type out a business plan for him today. he said i could input whatever i thought was appropriate. so whilst i was doing up the business plan, i thought of the Innovation Adoption Curve, or Temasek Poly Marketing students would know it better as Diffusion of Innovations Theory.

2 years since i left school and i had to do some research on it before i could remember what was it all about. *tsk and here are my findings.

Property of PrincessWylyn

The Innovation Adoption Curve of Rogers is a model that classifies adopters of innovations into various categories, based on the idea that certain individuals are inevitably more open to adaptation than others. Is also referred to as Multi-Step Flow Theory or Diffusion of Innovations Theory.

Brave people, puling the change. Innovators are very important communication.

Early Adopters
Respectable people, opinion leaders, try out new ideas, but in a careful way.

Early Majority
Thoughtful people, careful but accepting change more quickly than the average.

Late Majority
Skeptic people, will use new ideas or products only when the majority is using it.

Traditional people, caring for the "old ways", are critical towards new ideas and will only accept it if the new idea has become mainstream or even tradition.

The diffusion of innovations curve (innovation adoption curve) of Rogers is useful to remember that trying to quickly and massively convince the mass of a new controversial idea is useless.

It makes more sense in these circumstances to start with convincing innovators and early adopters first. Also the categories and percentages can be used as a first draft to estimate target groups for communication purposes.

Diffusion research focus was on five elements:
1) The characteristics of an innovation which may influence its adoption;
2) The decision-making process that occurs when individuals consider adopting a new idea, product or practice;
3) The characteristics of individuals that make them likely to adopt an innovation;
4) The consequences for individuals and society of adopting an innovation; and
5) Communication channels used in the adoption process.

*the above is taken from this site

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

| Christmas Dinner 2005 |

we were @ Angus Steak House for our Christmas Dinner and it was absolutely lovely. =)

Property of PrincessWylyn
::dear's main course, it was succulent and he loved it::

Property of PrincessWylyn
::my FAVOURITE oysters baked with ham and this special sauce that makes it the ONLY oyster i'll ever eat *yumz::

Property of PrincessWylyn
::our Christmas dessert::

Property of PrincessWylyn
::when i'm about to start on my food, dear insisted on a shot::

Property of PrincessWylyn
::right before we left the place::

it was freaking pricey but it was damn good. well worth it i must say!
and on Christmas Day, we were @ church and there was a lil performance by the lil ones from the Agape Sunday school kids.

Property of PrincessWylyn
::the lil ones::
Property of PrincessWylyn
::ourselves on the way to get some last minute gifts =p::

and sermon talked about Christmas being 3G:
1. Glory - Christ's birth was a glorious event in history and every single day, we should give Him glory, praise and thanks for saving us.
2. Gladness - and when He came into the world, there were choirs of angels singing and glorifying Him, therefore we should also follow suit and have gladness in our hearts as Christmas is here.
3. Good News - His birth was good news to all because He came to sacrifice His life, so that we may all be saved and live with the Father in eternity.

| Monotony |

slightly more than 20 minutes before knock-off time and my boss had already left for the day, which is why i'm here blogging away.

today was a pretty free day, also a slow one for me. i had to fight the zzz monster BIG time because every now and then i'd feel my bed calling out for me.

doesn't time fly? just a couple of days back and there was the big-hoo-haa about Christmas, shopping and partying, and now, its all quieten down. and in a couple more days time would be the end of 2005 where we'd usher in the new year 2006. and then before anything happens, before you've even have time to take a breather, CNY is on its way too. my, what a stressful time we have here.

i still wanna go clubbing, haven't had my fair share of dancing because the time i was at the Ministry was most unsatisfying.

that aside, i'm terribly looking forward for our lil getaway @ sentosa. you know sometimes i feel the monotony of life and how it all goes by a standard routine everyday. don't you feel the same? i wanna be free, wanna be where there are no boundaries, no limits.

okok, enough crap. while i still have time, i'm gonna try to do up the rest of my skin.

| HomeSick? |

i think i miss daddy and mommy, i wish they could come home soon. it feels funny even though i'm old enough to take care of myself, i still miss them.

changed my blog skin at work just now, nice huh? already someone had commented and its made my day. =)

ok, 2 more hours to go before i need to fly home to walk my pup.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Friday, December 23, 2005

| After Thoughts About... |

Ministry of Sound:
1. nice decor, cool place, big with many private rooms. cosy toilet too with seats for you to touch up.
2. but music sucked, at least not to my liking.

1. pardon my previous post where i said short short skirts and low low tops. its short and tight orange hotpants and a tight tanktop.

Clarke Quay:
1. big change since i last went there
2. walked past the bungy ride thingy and dear said we should try some time soon.

received many christmas greetings and wishes but all have failed to realise the one significance of Christmas, the true meaning of why we celebrate this season.

its ain't a time of gifts-exchanging or parties,
its purely a time to celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ.
in all that you do, please celebrate this season knowing it was His birth that gave us all Life.

Blessed Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

| Bogged Down |

i'm feeling bored and restless and tired now.

went to look for my manicurist yesterday just to find that she left for shanghai and will probably be there for the next couple of months until she decides that ain't the right place to be in to work.
so i had another manicurist to do my french pedi, BUT it was a total mess.
it ain't that bad, but it wasn't as good as my previous manicurist either and to think i paid so much.
must start scouting for another quality manicurist.

i'm so bogged down by work and i'm seriously lacking sleep.

dear is already out right now, heading for home, and then to you know where with the rest of his campmates? its an army affair. com-on, make a guess.


i couldn't believe it at first and then i almost fainted when i saw what the invitation card read:
Time: 1830hrs to LATE

which means fun with the girls in short short skirts and low low tops. oooooooo wait till i get a hold of that sickening PS or PC who came up with this idea and i'll make sure i'll slap him upside-left-right-down.


then after that, they were thinking of heading down to MOS since its newly opened. i wanna go too, but i'll have to take leave and i dunno if my boss will approve because i've got SO much work on hand, i'm vanishing!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

| 4 More Days to Christmas |

4 more days to christmas, how exciting!

was just thinking, many people have received their bonus and had like huge smiles on their faces. me? its a just a pathetic pro-rated one. i figured if i'm able to hold this job for the next year, i would be as happy, if not, happier than these people by the time i get my bonus next year.


but things are always unexpected and unpredictable.

like how my dear was suppose to get the hotpink motorola v3 for me for christmas, and went through so much troubles just to finally reserve one, but with a twist of fate i chanced upon it and got it myself. poor thing, and now he's gotta fret about what to get me for christmas. =p

ha, am i deviating?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

| New Mobile |

i got it! =)
and i can happily cancel it off from my wishlist, ha!

Monday, December 19, 2005

| Coloful Weekend |

not much pictures this year, rather, last weekend. well, but its good enough considering we left house pretty late and caught Pride & Prejudice which i have to declare, my FAVOURITE movie of the year!

Property of PrincessWylyn

ok, i know its a tad too small, but i'm real tired now, will redo it when i feel more life. =p

Saturday, December 17, 2005

| Our Lil Getaway |

this time round, its gonna be a reality.

we've made reservations @ Shangri-la's Rasa Sentosa just to pamper ourselves.

a lil getaway we call it.

and our room?

Property of PrincessWylyn

its gonna be early next year. ooooooo can't wait!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

| Photography |

for a start, why do some pple enjoy taking so-called "sexy" photographs of themselves?
i mean, seriously, what are they trying to prove or show?

its so funny whenever i come across those supposedly "sexy" pics, instead of being impressed by them, i get so tickled.

well, but if there's anything impressive at all, i must say i do admire their courage, and the guts to publicise it.

they call it the art of photography, how about the art of amusement?

| Happy Happy Happy!!! |

you know what day is tomorrow?

tomorrow is the day my love gets to book out after 15 long days of confinement!!!

*pops balloon

though i saw him on sunday, it was barely even 5 minutes and i couldn't hug him because he was in uniform.


i miss him so so much i can't find any words to describe this longing pain.

things would be back to normal from tomorrow evening onwards he said.

and he's gonna bring me to so many places, eat all the things that i wanna eat, and do all the things that i wanna do.


i'm delirious with joy!!!

and guess what?

Christmas is in exactly 10 days' time, have you done your shopping yet?

Mango's on sale. and so are many other places.

what to do what to do? i'm bursting!

lunch time and boss isn't around...i wonder where he went *tsk

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

| Snobbish |

its only in big organisations that you can see how harsh this whole working society is.

where only degree, honours graduate, masters holder, rank, and status matter.

i will get my degree and maybe even honours.

just watch.

you may step all over me right now because i am just a lowly diploma holder.
but when i become a graduate, be careful.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

| Miss You |

i miss holding your hand.
i miss the warmth of your big hand on mine.
i miss your 'chow chow' smell.
i miss the smell of your cologne.
i miss your thunderous snoring.
i miss disturbing you (esp in the middle of the night)to bring me to the toilet.
i miss your goodnight kiss.
i miss telling you goodnight in your ear.
i miss waking up with you next to me.
i miss lazing in bed with you.
i miss having breakfast with you in pyjamas.
i miss rubbing my nose against yours.
i miss you holding me in the bus/train.
i miss your nagging.
i miss biting you.
i miss hitting you.

most importantly,i miss everything about you.

| Christmas Celebration? |

my parents are gonna be away on christmas, which leaves us three and the pup. so they were thinking of celebrating christmas. we've never had the habit of doing so, at least not at home.

dear and i always celebrate christmas, whether its just us or with his friends. and this year is exceptional, because he's got to juggle between two group of friends. which means, christmas eve is booked, and so is christmas day.

regardless, my point is, why should i give up my own culture just to suit you when you were also just looking at when his family was celebrating christmas, so we could be alternative?!

also, why should i celebrate christmas with someone who still thinks she's so darn right where all the while, i had been trying to talk to her and she keeps ignoring me?!

there's a limit. i may give in because i understand we were both at fault. but there's no way i can tolerate her persistent self-righteousness! and please, her words the other day weren't exactly kind either.

i'm just feeling all so stressed out right now, i want to run!

Monday, December 12, 2005

| Trying |

its been a very trying week, and this week, i foresee the same.
drove down yesterday just to see you, tears fell. i couldn't bare to see you confined for sucha long time. even after i left, i was still crying.

did you know that?

i miss you, i really do.

dunno how i have to go through this,
dunno why didn't you be a lil more careful.

yet after one week, you've changed.
changed to be nonchalent about me,
changed to have less to talk to me about,
changed to care watching tv more than calling me.
you deny, but the fact remains.

as it is, its painful just talking to you on the phone,
not being able to see you,
to hold you,
to touch you.

i hate you, for putting me through all these!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

| Motorola V3 |

i wanna get this phone BUT its outta stock! *pouts

Property of PrincessWylyn

| Destiny |

i'm scared, i feel like giving up this race i was chosen to run.

the pressures' building up and i'm feeling the stress.

i can't perform, i need time.

i don't wanna be compelled to do things against my wishes.

please understand, i am only human.

they say its my destiny.

but i really feel like giving up this race. i really do.

its so hard when people judge every word i say and every action i make. like i'm suppose to be unfallable and the "almighty" christian.

give me a break, i need a break!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

| Things I Wanna Do... |

things i wanna do when [you] book out:

1) eat bbq chicken wings
2) walk down the entire orchard road, from wheelock place to plaza sing
3) take pics with the christmas lighting
4) watch Chicken Little, and maybe King Kong?
5) go christmas shopping!
6) rent lotsa dvds and stay up to finish them one by one
7) clubbing
8) eat my favourite oyster at Angus and you'll foot the bill! ha!
9) go ktv
10) cook lotsa and lotsa calamari and gobble them up ourselves, no sharing!


quick quick, 7 more days!

| My ScreenSaver |

Property of PrincessWylyn
::Butterfly Oasis::

this is what i look at everyday, every minute, if i'm not using the computer. its animated by the way, the butterflies move and the waterfall right at the end there moves, just that when i did a screenshot, they all don't move anymore.

i'm really bored, honest. i've been trying to find things to do to occupy myself but it doesn't help because i finish them real fast.

have i mentioned i'm real bored, i'm this close to closing my eyes, i need a pair of blunt toothpicks to keep my eyes open. i need to SLEEP!

one more hour!

| Fly |

sometimes i wish time can fly, so i wouldn't have to endure this pain.

done with all the reports i'm required to do, did a good job and pretty one at that, so am feeling a lil accomplished.

now is boredom.

and the pain of having to kill time.

then there's this poor guy who's been accused of being a loanshark, and its turned so ugly that i heard its become a police case. since then, my boss has been calling up a series of suspects and interrogated them.


my only comment on this is that, looks can be deceiving. he may look the sort with all the mannerism, but he may not neccessarily be the culprit. what if some evil people are plotting against him? what if he's innocent? what if he's been framed?
there are so many what-ifs, and who knows how to answer all these what-ifs?
its not up to us, definitely.

i'm feeling so so low right down.

my vacation trip is officially off.

i'm not going anywhere without any guardian, my parents have made their stand loud and clear to me. its hard to accept, but i guess that's what happens when i'm the baby of the family, the lil one.

i'm feeling all so depressed right now,
can someone tell me how to live the rest of my days without my love?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

| Buried |

5 minutes before i knock off.

i'm glad i had my work to bury myself in,

to forget time, to forget the missing.

9 more days, please come home soon.

Monday, December 05, 2005

| Now & Forever |

i miss you...

Now and forever
You are a part of me
And the memory cuts like a knife
Didnt we find the ecstacy
Didnt we share the daylight
When you walked into my life

Now and forever
I'll remember
All the promises still unbroken
And think about all the words between us
That never needed to be spoken

We had a moment
Just one moment
That will last beyond a dream,
Beyond a lifetime
We are the lucky ones
Some people never get to do
All we got to do
Now and forever
I will always think of you

Didnt we come together
Didnt we live together
Didnt we cry together
Didnt we play together
Didnt we love together
And together we lit up the world

I miss the tears
I miss the laughter
I miss the day we met
and all that followed after
Sometimes I wish I could always be with you
The way we used to do
Now and forever
I will always think of you
Now and forever
I will always be with you

Saturday, December 03, 2005

| 2 outta 14 days |

alright, today marks the second day of his confinement. i am barely making it through. how am i gonna survive the next 12 days? i dunno.

went retail therapy with my big sis today and we combed the entire orchard road, went into every single store that sells shoes (because she was looking for this heels that she saw someone wear), and into every boutique that sells three-quarter pants (because she was also looking for one).


and now, my legs are sore, and my whole body is aching.

BUT it did help me take my mind off the pain for a couple of hours.

so i managed to buy my black tube dress, which i had been searching for high and low since i dunno when. and though it wasn't the exact piece i had in mind, i think that will have to do for now. i dunno why, but i just wanted to get one, even though i already have like many other dresses.

yes, i must stop spending.

12 more days to go.

Friday, December 02, 2005

| Lost |

on my way to work this morning, there were queues of enlistees bound for their BMT at tekong.

i thought of the first time when i was there too. i teared and it made my day blue.

its been a long time since i last felt this way. dear's punishment was out last night, and its a 14-day confinement. it starts today. and because of that, i'm feeling lost.

i always feel lost when i don't get to see him for such long periods. 2 weekends, 14 days.

will start counting down i guess.

Property of PrincessWylyn

Thursday, December 01, 2005

| December |

today is the first of december, the last month of the year.
my dad drove through the whole of orchard road last night, from Tanglin Mall to the end of it at Bras Brasah. it was beautiful, and my pup was rather intrigued by the bright lightings too!

still don't have the mood or time to take pictures of the lightings this year yet, shall wait and see when will be that fine night. for a view of last year's lightings @ orchard road, do view my archives under December 2004.

i'm thinking, if i really can't get to go to bangkok, i'll still wanna leave the country for a short short relaxing trip and i'm eyeing on some small town or island nearby.
any good suggestion?